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Asbestos, Lead Abatement & Mold Remediation in Baltimore, MD
We are fully staffed with employees licensed in Maryland, Virginia, Pennsylvania and the District of Columbia in the fields of mold remediation, asbestos and lead abatement.

Maryland’s Mold Remediation and Asbestos Abatement Professionals
Maryland Cleaning & Abatement has State Licensed Asbestos Inspectors available to provide sampling to confirm with laboratory analysis if there is asbestos in your home or workplace.  We are also available to provide you with an estimate for the proper abatement of your asbestos, lead or mold problem.

COVID 19 UPDATE: When the pandemic came to fruition here in the Maryland, VA & PA areas, we were the first to be on top of coronavirus disinfection with all EPA approved products. We fogged and wiped everything from DC train stations to huge warehouses to our own offices. Go to the visit us link below and see us in action!